Scale Calculator

Convert length in selected units for a specified scale.

Real Length: 70 cm
Scale Legth: 10 cm

This scale calculator allows you to input a chosen scale and calculate the real length or scaled length in selected units based on the specified ratio.

Additionally, the calculator provides a graphical visualization of both the real length and the scaled length.

How to use this Scale Calculator?

  1. Specify the Scale Ratio (e.g. 1:10, 1:500, 5:1).
  2. Select the unit of Real Length and Scale Length.
  3. Enter the Real Length to calculate the Scale Length, or enter the Scale Length to calculate the Real Length.

What is a scale?

Scale refers to the ratio or proportion between a measurement on a model or map and the actual measurement in reality. It's a way to represent real-world objects or distances in a more manageable or convenient size.

For example, on a map with a scale of 1 inch to 10 miles, every inch on the map represents 10 miles in real life.

How to calculate scale?

To calculate the scale length, start by diving the first number by the second to find the scale factor. For instance, a scale of 10:2 equals a scale factor of 5.

Scale Factor = First Ratio Number / Second Ratio Number

Now you can continue by selecting the appropriate formula depending on whether you want to convert Real Length to Scale Length or vice versa.

Here are the mathematical formulas along with examples:

Converting Real Length to Scale Length

To convert Real Length to Scale Length, multiply the Real Length by the Scale Factor (first ratio number divided by the second ratio number).

Scale Length = Real Length * Scale Factor
Example: Calculate the scale length for a real length of 200 inches, given a scale ratio of 1:5.

Scale factor = 1 / 5 = 0.2

Scale length = 200 in * 0.2

Scale length = 40 in

Converting Scale Length to Real Length

To convert Scale Length to Real Length, divide the Scale Length by the Scale Factor (first ratio number divided by the second ratio number).

Real Length = Scale Length / Scale Factor
Example: Calculate the real length for a scale length of 50 centimeters, given a scale ratio of 1:10.

Scale factor = 1 / 10 = 0.1

Real length = 50 cm / 0.1

Real length = 500 cm