Remainder Calculator

Calculate the remainder of the division based on the entered number and its divisor.


The remainder is the amount left over after dividing the first number by the second number as many times as possible.

Let's say we want to divide 21 by 5. The result of this division is 4 with a remainder of 1. In this case, 4 represents the quotient, or the number of times 5 goes into 21 evenly, and 1 represents the remainder, or the amount left over after dividing as many times as possible.

How to use this calculator?

  1. Enter the number you want to divide in the first input field labeled "Number".
  2. Enter the divisor (the number you want to divide by) in the second input field labeled "Divisor".
  3. Click on the "Calculate" button.
  4. The calculator will then show you the result of the division in the "Result" field.
  5. The calculator will also show you the result with the remainder in the "Result with Remainder" field.
  6. You can also check the explanation in the last field: "Explanation".


Calculation Result Result with remainder
12 / 5 2.4 2 R 2
7 / 3 2,33 2 R 1
47 / 8 5,88 5 R 7