Running Pace Calculator

Time (hh:mm:ss):
: :

This calculator allows you to calculate your running pace (e.g. per mile) and average speed easily based on time and distance covered.

How to use this calculator?

  1. Enter the Time in hh:mm:ss (e.g. 00:30:15 for 30 minutes and 15 seconds).
  2. Enter the Distance and its unit (e.g. 2 miles).
  3. Optionally, change units in the Running Pace and Running Speed fields.

After that, your results should be automatically generated in the "Result" section.


Time Distance Pace Speed
00:50:30 6 km 00:08:25 / 1 kilometer 7.1287 km/h
00:30:00 2 km 00:15:00 / 1 kilometer 4 km/h
01:20:00 2 mi 00:40:00 / 1 mile 1.5 mph

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