Weeks Calculator

Enter two dates and calculate the number of weeks between them or add weeks to a date or subtract weeks from a date.


How to use this calculator?

Calculating weeks between dates

  1. Enter the Start Date.
  2. Enter the End Date.
  3. If you want to, check the Include the end day option.
  4. Click the Calculate button.
  5. See your results.

Adding weeks to the date

  1. Select the + Add weeks option in the What to calculate section.
  2. Enter the Start Date.
  3. Enter the number of Weeks to add.
  4. Click the Calculate button.
  5. See your results.

Subtracting weeks from the date

  1. Select the - Subtract weeks option in the What to calculate section.
  2. Enter the Start Date.
  3. Enter the number of Weeks to subtract.
  4. Click the Calculate button.
  5. See your results.

See Also: