Hours Calculator

Calculate time between two given hours.

Total Time (hh:mm): 00:00
In hours (decimal): 0 hours
In minutes: 0 minutes

The Time Calculator allows you to calculate the time difference between the start time and end time. It also allows subtracting an optional break time.

Results are provided in hours and minutes, in decimal hours, and in minutes.

How to use this Hours Calculator?

  1. Specify whether you want to use a 12-hour or 24-hour clock format.
  2. Enter the Start Time (e.g. 07:00 AM).
  3. Enter the End Time (e.g. 05:30 PM).
  4. Enter the Optional Break Time or leave it as 0.
  5. Click "Calculate".
  6. Get your results!


Example 1: What is the time difference between 5:00 AM and 4:00 PM?
  • Total Time: 11:00
  • In minutes: 660 minutes
Example 2: How many hours are between 7:00 AM to 2:30 PM?
  • Total Time: 07:30
  • In minutes: 450 minutes
  • In hours (decimal): 450 minutes / 60 = 7.5 hours
Example 3: An employee arrived at work at 9 AM. They worked until 5 PM with a 40-minute break in between. How much total time did they work?
  • Total Time: 07:20
  • In minutes: 440 minutes
  • In hours (decimal): 440 minutes / 60 = 7.33 hours

See Also: