Playback Speed Calculator

Calculate the video or podcast length with the given playback speed.

How much time can you save at such speed

How to use this calculator?

  1. Enter the total length of the video in hours, minutes, and seconds.
  2. Specify the playback speed for which you want to calculate the total time (e.g. 2, 1.75, 1.5, 1.25, or 0.5).
  3. See the calculated time. Additionally, in the „Time Saved” field, you can also see how much time can you gain or lose while watching the video or listening to the podcast at given speed.

Math formula

Total time in seconds = [(Hours * 3600) + (Minutes * 60) + Seconds] / Playback Speed

Example: If I watch one hour long video on 1.5 speed, how much time will it take?

1 hour is equal to 3600 seconds, so:

Total time in seconds = 3600 / 1.5

Total time in seconds = 2400

To calculate the total time in minutes, divide it by 60:

Total time in minutes = 2400 / 60 = 40 minutes

Answer: Watching 1 hour video at 1.5 speed should take 40 minutes


Time Playback Speed Calculated time
00:45:30 1.5 00:30:20
00:08:00 1.25 00:06:24
00:15:00 0.75 00:20:00
01:35:00 2.25 00:42:13
07:30:00 1.5 05:00:00

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