Exponent Calculator

Calculate the result of a chosen number raised to a chosen power. The calculator supports both positive and negative numbers and displays the detailed step-by-step calculation process.

xn = a
x =
n =
a =

How to use this calculator?

  1. Enter the x (the number).
  2. Enter the n (the exponent).
  3. Click Calculate.
  4. See the result a.
  5. See the step-by-step Calculation process.

How to calculate Exponents?

Exponentiation involves multiplying a number by itself as many times as indicated by the exponent.

In the case of a negative exponent, you should divide 1 by the computed number with a positive exponent.

When the exponent is 0, the result is always 1.


Example 1: Calculate the 45.

4⁵ = 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4

4⁵ = 1024

Example 2: Calculate the 5-2.

5⁻² = 1/5²

5⁻² = 1/(5 * 5)

5⁻² = 1/25

5⁻² = 0.04

Example 2: Calculate the 70.

7⁰ = 1