Proportion Calculator

The proportion calculator solves two fractions for the variable x using cross multiplication.

To calculate a proportion, fill in 3 fields.


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How to use the proportion calculator?

Enter any fraction and either the numerator or denominator of the second fraction, then press "Calculate".

The calculator will find the missing number (x) and provide a step-by-step calculation process.

How to calculate proportion?

To calculate proportions, use cross multiplication with the known values (numerator and denominator) and then divide the result by the remaining number that wasn't used in the multiplication.

Example: You organize a party with a certain ratio of pizzas to burgers, which is 3/5. If you have a total of 15 burgers, how many pizzas should be there?

Step 1: Set up a proportion using the given values and the variable x.

$$\frac{3}{5} = \frac{x}{15}$$

Step 2: Use cross multiplication with the known values and divide the result by the remaining number.

$$ \frac{3 \times 4}{2} = \frac{12}{2} = 6 $$

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