Comparing Fractions Calculator

Compare decimals and fractions. Check if one of them is greater (>), less (<) than the other, or if they are equal (=).

Waiting for input
Symbol Meaning Example Description
greater than x > y x is greater than y
less than x < y x is less than y
equal x = y x equals y

How to use this calculator?

1. Enter the numbers to compare.

You can do this in decimal format (e.g. 1.5) or as a fraction (e.g 1 1/2 or 3/2)

2. Click "Calculate".

If you've correctly filled in both fields, the result should appear almost immediately.

3. See your results.

They will appear at the bottom of the calculator. In addition to them, an explanation will be generated in which the fractions will be converted to decimals.


Calculator input: 2 3/5 ? 2.5

$$ 2\dfrac{3}{5} > 2.5 $$


$$ 2.6 > 2.5 $$

Calculator input: 5.5 ? 4.23

$$ 5.5 > 4.23 $$

Calculator input: 2.2 ? 22/10

$$ 2.2 = \dfrac{22}{10} $$


$$ 2.2 = 2.2 $$

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