Zodiac Sign Calculator

Enter your date of birth and check your zodiac sign.


This calculator allows you to check the zodiac sign for a specific date of birth based on the data in the table below.

In addition to information about the zodiac sign, the calculator also shows the Total age (including the one in days and seconds) and calculates the number of days until the next birthday.

How to use the Zodiac Sign Calculator?

  1. Fill in the Date of birth field. To do this just click on the field and enter the date or click on the calendar icon and pick it visually.
  2. Click on the Calculate button.
  3. Get your answer in the Result section.

Zodiac Sign Dates

Approximate dates for each zodiac sign.

Zodiac Sign Date
♈︎ Aries 21.03 - 19.04
♉︎ Taurus 20.04 - 20.05
♊︎ Gemini 21.05 - 21.06
♋︎ Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
♌︎ Leo 23.07 - 22.08
♍︎ Virgo 23.08 - 22.09
♎︎ Libra 23.09 - 22.10
♏︎ Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
♐︎ Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
♑︎ Capricorn 22.12 - 19.01
♒︎ Aquarius 20.01 - 18.02
♓︎ Pisces 19.02 - 20.03